Thursday, February 28, 2019

Jazavac pred sudom

Jjeste li   gledali  svijedocenje  bivseg trampovog advokata,Michaela Cohena ,juce, ,pred kongresom,Samo pitam .Ako jeste da ne prepricavam.Niste ,Ok.Niste nista propustili.Cohen je  reako samo ono sto vec zna svaki Amerikanac da je Tramp ;rasist ,prevarant i lazov ,mislim to zna ,,po,, Amerike , a drugo pola zna i  misli da Tramp nije rasist ,prevarant i lazov.i u tome jeste ili nije evo protice i ovaj dan.Sad ako se neko nado da ce ovo ,,uzdrmat,, Ameriku ,dobro se zajebo.Ludi nemaju vremena misliti  laze li Cohen ili ne laze ,a i da smisle sta im vrijedi i da je umjesto Cohena  svijedocio i sam Papa isto bi bilo ,sto znaci ,svi oni koji su za Trampa ,ostali bi i dalje za njega i poslije Pape  i oni koji su protiv ,bili bi tu ,gdje i jesu,odnosno Amerika je  vec  toliko polarizovana ,da kad bi i sam Tramp  svijedocio protiv sebe ,  i rekao  ono  sto je i Cohen   govorio ,opet bi mu pola vjerovalo a pola nebi.Generalno  ovakve  predstave nemaju smisla i ne sluze nicemu osim da popuine vrijeme  u ,,krhkim,, vijestima i da se niko ne upita ;Jeli stvarno predsednik Amerike ovakav ,, nego  da li je Cohen  govorio  istinu.A sta ja mislim.Naravno da mislim ,Eto sutra je ,,prvi,, Valja placat racune ,nece meni ni Tramp ni Cohen  to platiti ako ja to ne uradim,al razmisljo sam da ujesto cekova sto ih saljem  na razne adrese  ,posaljem  malo pismo  u kojem  cu napisat da me malo ,,stid,,usranih   gaca  predsednika  i gdje molim  navedene ,da mi bar ovaj mjesec oproste dug ;Ako vjeruju  u Cohena ili Trampa ,Da o Bogu i Dolaru  i ne govorim.


Marijan said...

Daj ba, oladi malo sa tim piskaranjem, ne mogu ja to sve stići...
*ebo te, k'o da si ti u pemziji, a ne ja!

Mrs. Daniels said...

Hi cutie, I love your blog!


Did you see the testimony of the former lawyer, Michael Cohen, yesterday, before the congress, I'm just asking. If it is that I do not pretend. You did not miss Ok. You did not miss it. It was only what Americans already know that Tramp is racist, I think it knows "after" the US, and the other half knows that Tramp is not a racist, a fraud and a lazy person. And that's whether or not this is the day's traffic. Now, if somebody is hoping this will be, I do not have time to think whether Cohen is lying or not, and to think what is worth them, and that instead of Cohen he witnessed himself and the Pope himself would be the same, which means that all those who are for Tramp, the rest would still be for him, and after the Pope and those who opposed, they would be here, where they are, that is, America is already so polarized that if Tramp himself testified against himself and said what Cohen was saying, he would again half believed him and half the sky. Generally, such performances do not make sense and do not serve anything except to popuine time in "fragile" news and nobody asks: Is it really the president of America like this, but whether Cohen was telling the truth. And what do I mean. Of course I think, That's tomorrow, "the first one" , I will not even pay Tramp or Cohen to pay if I do not do it, but I thought that instead of checks I send them to various addresses, I will send a little letter in which I will write to me a little, shame, shaken the President's paws and where I please , that at least this month I forgive debt, if they believe in Cohen or the Trump, Yes, about God and the Dollar, and I'm not saying.

Anonymous said...

Ohoho, koji prevod na engleski, sigurno sa Googla.

A sto spomenu rasizam kad je nama iz bivse Juge j to poznato samo u drugom vidu (nacionalizam). I nama protece dugi niz godina a ne zna se dokle.


vankufer said...

Marijane pusti ba, cojeka, nek pise koliko hoce, vidis da postoji interesovanje, prevode ga i na strane jezike.., a ti ne moras citati bas sve ...k'o da neko cita ... ne cita ni on sam ,,,

ili u prevodu

Marianne let it go, the coquette, write it as much as you like, see that there is interest, translate it into foreign languages, and you do not have to read everything ... as someone reads ... he does not even read it himself, "

Kevrin potok said...

Ko je Stormy, ona Trampova švalerka?


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